Expect new pages to be added to this site from
time to time and interesting additions to existing pages as well. It is an endless, ongoing project because our adventures in the Universe are just beginning.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: You will want to read the special
paper, "The End Of An Era?" on the page titled: "Papers Submitted in 2009 & 2010." It's about the drastic cutbacks
in our space programs. You will also want to read the "Astronaut Commanders' Open Letter" page on this web site.
All contents, not otherwise copyrighted (and used herein
under the "fair use" news reporting rule), or identified in the public domain, is copyrighted 2002 through 2018 by the American
Communication Arts organization on behalf of the Astrophysics Group - West.
Use of this material, other than as credited quotes,
is subject to permission granted.
American Communication Arts 858/488-8222
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