The image is so difficult to pick up at this time that the
pixel rendition shown above is the best that we can do, so far.
As you know, the deeper into space our telescopes probe, the
further back in time we can see. (That's because the limitations of the speed of light bring us images that sometimes
have taken an enormous number of years to get here.)
We are now looking back to a time when the Universe was only
800 million years old (a very early period) and we have found something most unusual. It seems to be much larger than
we would have ever expected for that time.
It is very large and gaseous and emits radiation. It
seems to be about 55,000 light-years long. That is similar to the radius of the disk of our Milky Way galaxy.
Our first reaction --- but it shouldn't be there!
Ah yes, but it is. So, we offer you this great new mystery from deep space. A gigantic blob from near the dawn
of time.
Something to think about.