This offers only the very beginning of an understanding of such things, but it is
a beginning and should be of some interest to those who don't know a great deal about Einstein's equations and always wanted
to be able to have at least a glimpse into this area of exploration.Of course this is only a bare bones explanation. The "quantity
of mass" label would need to be qualified with more precision, the square root of a number is (in more detail) another number
that, when multiplied by itself equals the original number, "over" in this explanation means "divided by" and on and on it
can go.
It is hoped that you will understand that equations of this type
are often preceded by blackboards filled with information that lead to end results of this nature. It is a very complex activity,
to say the least.
It should also be noted that a notable number of the Einstein equations
have stood up well to observations and experiments that have verified such efforts.
You might also want to know that this particular equation
(above) was executed by hand and turned into a "jpg" image, so you can copy and/or print it out for your own personal
library, if you would like to do so.
--- T.D.N.